Mortgage Servicing FAQs

Frequently asked questions regarding mortgage servicing are answered here.

Payments can be mailed to PO Box 19549 Sugar Land, TX 77496-9549
There is a payment coupon included in your closing package; you should start receiving a monthly statement after your first billing cycle, approximately 30 to 45 days after closing.
Yes, you can make payments from your HFCU share account (savings, checking, and money market) by:
Logging into account
Select Transfer
Choose the Transfer from account (HFCU Savings or HFCU Checking)
Choose Pay to account (you should see your Mortgage and any other loan and savings/checking you are not paying from)
Select Amount to Pay
Click Submit
You will have an option at your mortgage closing to enroll in a mortgage payment EFT/ACH payment option, aka: automatic draft, by filling out the automatic payment form included in your closing packet and attaching a voided check so HFCU can set up the automatic payment after the loan closes with no further steps from you, the borrower.
If you want to set up this process after your mortgage closes, please contact HFCU member service for the appropriate form by calling 281-243-0500. Once received, please fill the form out, sign, and email directly to
No, you cannot make a mortgage payment with a credit card, however, you can setup automatic mortgage payments, so that your monthly payment can be withdrawn automatically from your HFCU checking/savings account or a checking/savings account you hold at another financial institution. Instructions for both options are listed above.
No, your mortgage loan number is not the same as your HFCU account number. Your mortgage loan number will be located on your billing statement which you should receive 30-45 days after your mortgage closing.
When you make your regular monthly mortgage payment, you can include an additional amount to be applied directly to your principal. If you’re paying by check, please indicate by writing the amount of the extra principal payment on your Mortgage Account Statement coupon where designated. Additional principal payments will only be applied after the current month’s full payment has been applied.
An escrow account allows us to pay the required insurance and/or taxes on your property for you. You pay a portion of your taxes and/or insurance premiums as part of your monthly mortgage payment. Then, when taxes and/or premiums are due, HFCU pays the taxes and insurance due on your behalf with the money in your escrow account.
Every year, we review your escrow account to make sure there’s enough money in it to cover your taxes and/or insurance premiums. We send you a summary statement of this report, called an escrow analysis. It includes a review of activity in your escrow account during the past 12 months, with projections for the next 12 months. This helps us determine the amount you need to pay into your escrow account each month, so we can pay your taxes/or insurance expenses on your behalf for the next 12 months. Your escrow account may need to be adjusted during the course of your mortgage, based on changes to your property taxes and/or insurance costs.
There are a few reasons why you might not have enough money in your escrow account to meet minimum required balance:
Your property taxes and/or insurance premiums increased.
Your taxes were reassessed.
Your insurance provider(s) changed.
The due date of your property taxes and/or insurance premiums changed.
You made fewer escrow payments into your account than expected.
Your starting escrow balance for the 12-month period was lower than expected due to the higher payouts the prior year.
If you have questions about an increase in your property taxes or homeowners insurance premiums, please contact your local taxing authority or insurance agent.
Yes, you can contact mortgage servicing for assistance via email at or calling (281) 243-0500 and requesting to speak to mortgage servicing.
Yes, if the value of your home increases and your taxes increase, if you escrow your taxes and insurance, your payments could increase. The taxes assessed on your property are based on the previous year’s tax value.
Houston Federal Credit Union (HFCU) is your mortgage loan service provider.
If you’re unable to make your payment for any reason, please contact our Mortgage Servicing department by emailing them at or call (281) 243-0500 and ask to speak to someone in the “Mortgage Servicing” department.
Year-end interest-paid statements (IRS Form 1098) are mailed out by the end of January. Email us at if you don’t receive it by February 15.
You may also be able to access a copy of your IRS Form 1098 by going to the Account Details tab for your mortgage account in HFCU Online Banking.
At this time we do not offer bi-weekly or semi-monthly payment options.
A mortgage lien release (in some states/territories this document may be called a reconveyance deed) is a document sent by your mortgage company to your local county recorder’s office after your mortgage loan is paid off.
The lien release states that lien holder is releasing its rights to the property. The county recorder’s office will record the lien release.
Timeframes vary by county and can take up to six months for recording.
Please allow 90 days after the mortgage loan has been paid off before contacting the applicable county recorder’s office to obtain a copy.
If a copy is not available with the county recorder’s office after 90 days, please email or call the HFCU Member Service team at 281-243-0500 and request to speak to mortgage servicing in order to submit a lien release request.
When contacting HFCU member service, please have the loan number available for the lien in question. If you do not have a loan number, please be prepared to provide the below information:
Full Name of all borrowers on the loan
Property address
Loan amount and year of lien
Please allow HFCU 15 business days to process the lien released request and submit the request to the county.
There is no charge to have a payoff statement faxed to you directly or to a third party authorized by you.